Wednesday, December 7, 2011


On Sunday I had the opportunity to share my testimony of my time in Peru with our chapel service. On Sat. night my dad and I went through everything I was going to share and picked pictures to go along with each of my points. However, God had different plans. Once we arrived at the service and started preparing, my dad realized that we'd put the pictures in a wrong format, so I'd have to go without them.
I was already nervous, but I prayed about it and went ahead, just sharing some of the things God had shown me during my trip and some of the opportunities He'd given me. In the end, several people came to talk to me and one woman said that what I'd said helped her to realize how she should be daily living for God. Another man said that he thought it was better we didn't have the pictures anyway, because that way he was focusing on the words instead of being distracted. Either way, I know it was nothing I did or said. In myself, I am not a public speaker and I have trouble putting my thoughts to words. If anyone learned anything, I know it was God alone who did the teaching and Him alone who gave me the words. None of it came about by myself.

As I'm sitting here adjusting to being back in the states again, I'm reminiscing on some of the main things God taught and showed me while I was in Peru.
1. God answers prayer - from the prayer for Christian company at the airport to little things along the way, God has emphasized to me again that He always answers prayer (even if it's not the answer we want). He cares about us each beyond what we can comprehend and He always takes care of us.
2. God puts me in each specific situation so that I can honor and glorify Him - whether I am in a country miles and miles away from my family or living under the same roof as them, wherever I am, God wants me to learn, live for Him, and love Him fully.
3. God is a God of comfort - During my grandmother's death and other times when I was feeling lonely, God always comforted me and put people around me to encourage me in Him. We only need to ask, and He will always sustain us with His comfort and strength.
4. God loves each and every person SO MUCH - As Christian's we're Christ's ambassadors to spread His love and His Gospel with everyone regardless of what they look like or where they are.

There are so many other things God has been teaching me as well, but so many of them are hard to explain or describe how God taught me them personally. I am so thankful that we serve a Father who loves us with an everlasting love!
Shirley Anne